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Каква е логиката Доналд Тръмп да иска съюз с Русия
"Като две капки водa" - много грим, нула драми и 100% шоу
I wanted to thank @lisagartistry again for doing my hair and makeup on Sunday night! It's been quite some time since I've had hair and makeup done and I'm so grateful for how amazing she made me look !!! The bottom left corner was the next morning I'm a little backwards with my before and after A photo posted by Nicole Michele Johnson (@nicole.m.johnson) on Nov 24, 2015 at 7:55am PST
I wanted to thank @lisagartistry again for doing my hair and makeup on Sunday night! It's been quite some time since I've had hair and makeup done and I'm so grateful for how amazing she made me look !!! The bottom left corner was the next morning I'm a little backwards with my before and after
A photo posted by Nicole Michele Johnson (@nicole.m.johnson) on Nov 24, 2015 at 7:55am PST
A little over a month ago my best friend and the man of my dreams @m_phelps00 proposed to me and today with my mama @annettejohnsoncoss & my sister @ellicemichelle by my side trying on gowns made it even more real @wisteriabridal A photo posted by Nicole Michele Johnson (@nicole.m.johnson) on Mar 29, 2015 at 12:43pm PDT
A little over a month ago my best friend and the man of my dreams @m_phelps00 proposed to me and today with my mama @annettejohnsoncoss & my sister @ellicemichelle by my side trying on gowns made it even more real @wisteriabridal
A photo posted by Nicole Michele Johnson (@nicole.m.johnson) on Mar 29, 2015 at 12:43pm PDT